Nitrocellulose Membrane (NC Protein)

PRODUCTS > Nitrocellulose Membrane > Nitrocellulose Membrane (NC Protein)

Nitrocellulose Membrane (NC Protein)

NC membrane is the reaction membrane in the
immunochromatographic test strip and the most critical part of the
whole test strip. After the NC membrane is assembled with the
sample pad, binding pad and water absorption pad, when the Iiquid
of the sample flows to the reaction membrane, the complex of the
detector and binding protein will contact with the antigen / antibody
on the reaction line at the molecular level, Finally, the results can be
seen by our naked eyes or detected by machines, so it has a wide
scope of applications in the fields of biomedicine, animal husbandry and food safety.


Diagnostic reagent: quick diagnostic kit, eugenics test (early pregnancy, ovulation), Covid-19 (new crown pneumonia, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, AIDS, syphilis), Drug testing, food safety testing, animal quarantine, etc.

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